Varying in size and color, bats are the only mammals that can fly. As with many pests, bats can be incredibly helpful, until they begin to encroach upon your home or business. They are nocturnal, feeding at night and typically from the wing, while in the air. Like spiders, because of their ravenous appetite they are good at keeping insects out of the area (including pest insects). However, their presence can be, at the very least, unnerving.
Able to enter through openings as small as 3/8 of an inch, several bat species readily occupy human-made structures as shelters. Entering through points of entry such as gable vents, loose flashing, gaps in fascia boards and uncapped chimney flues, bats roost in places like chimneys, attics, and the hollow places between walls and floors.
Their droppings, or guano, create a disgusting smell, and can stain surfaces. In warehouses or other facilities, bat droppings can make their way into, and contaminate, any food that is packaged there. Their droppings also attract feces-eating insects like flies and cockroaches.
In addition to guano related issues, bats carry parasites, particularly the bat bug, (which closely resembles the common bed bug), as well as mites, ticks and fleas. Bats are also implicated in several diseases dangerous to humans, although paralytic rabies (which occurs in 4 – 6% of some bat populations) gets the most attention in public health.
Our approach with bats depends heavily on the situation at your home and the time of year. Many times, bats will occupy your home temporarily for providing offspring. Other times, a bat may accidentally enter your home. While we have products and services available for dealing with bats, an inspection is the most important step before deciding on a particular strategy.